Monday 13 April 2020

Full Face Resurfacing: Things to Do Before & After, Who Benefits More

How about a procedure that treats aged, sun damaged skin with minimal invasion and little downtime? Skin resurfacing is such a procedure that saves you from those invasive, hassling techniques or those expensive anti aging creams that you must slather whole life. 

So, if you are looking for rejuvenating your facial appearance, time to look beyond the creams and salon treatments. Time to visit a reputable plastic surgeon’s clinic and discuss your options that promise better and more permanent results. 

Full face resurfacing is available in Frederick, MD. Please consult a reputable surgeon and discuss your expectations, your skin issues, and other important details. 

Before the procedure

You must undergo a string of skin treatments about six weeks before the procedure. The surgeon, after evaluating your skin, prepares the treatments exclusively for your skin for the best outcomes. 

You must stop doing the following things weeks before the procedure:

  • Stop smoking, as it can meddle with normal healing
  • Stop exposing your skin to direct sunlight
  • Stop taking medications like anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin, as they may lead to excess bleeding
  • Stop using topical skin products, as they may increase possibility of complications

After the procedure

After full face resurfacing in Frederick, MD, your surgeon will cover your skin with petroleum jelly or some other protective topical formulation. In some cases, patients require tape, dressing, or bandages. 

The surgeon will ask you to:

  • Avoid going out in the sun until your skin color restores to normal
  • Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or more each time you step outside
  • Avoid makeup for atleast a week after the procedure
  • Use an extra pillow to raise your head while sleeping 
  • Avoid smoking

The above are general guidelines. Depending on your case, your surgeon may give you additional guidelines. It also depends on how your skin responds to the procedure. You must follow your surgeon’s guidelines properly to avoid complications and infections. 

Who benefits from full face resurfacing?

  • Wrinkles or fine lines caused by aging or sun damage
  • Liver spots
  • Acne scars
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Enlarged sebum glands on your nose
  • Warts

Not everybody is a good candidate for the procedure. Factors that determine your eligibility for the procedure include your skin condition andyour aesthetic goals. 

When can you wear makeup after treatment?

You can wear makeup only when the treated areas of your face have completely healed. Use only oil-free makeup products. Apply a bit of foundation to conceal the pinkness or reddish color that usually appears after this cosmetic surgery in Frederick, MD

Makeup tip: Use green-based makeup to camouflage the redness on your skin. Please consult your surgeon before starting to use makeup after the procedure. 

So, if you are thinking of undergoing this amazing skin procedure, think no more. Contact one of the most reputable cosmetic surgeons in MD and start preparing for the treatment. Your skin will turn out fresh and more youthful a few weeks after the treatment due to a spurt in collagen production. It’s like “peeling off” years from your face! 

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